Pregnancy-Safe Skincare

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and of course, some necessary adjustments. One area that requires extra attention is your skincare routine. While you may be tempted to maintain your usual products, certain ingredients can pose potential risks to your developing baby.

One of the first things I did to prepare for pregnancy was slowly change out my skincare. Skincare is expensive, so I wanted to plan ahead and switch out products as I finished up my old ones. I also use a mix of inexpensive drugstore products and more expensive products - expensive does not necessarily mean better and sometimes my skin does just as well with drugstore products. For example, for water-based cleansers, right now I mix the Tata Harper cleanser with the CeraVe cleanser and mix the two together to wash my face. But for moisturizers, I'm seeing a huge improvement in my skin with the SkinCeuticals Triple Lipid Restore moisturizer which is pricey. Try different products and find what works best for your skin and budget!

You can also check out my round up of pregnancy-safe makeup here.

Here's a guide to skincare ingredients to avoid during pregnancy:

1. Retinoids and Retinol:

These vitamin A derivatives are commonly used for anti-aging and acne treatment. However, excessive vitamin A intake during pregnancy can lead to birth defects. Avoid products containing retinol, retinyl palmitate, tretinoin, adapalene, and isotretinoin.

2. Hydroquinone:

This ingredient is used to lighten dark spots and hyperpigmentation. While studies on its safety during pregnancy are inconclusive, it's best to err on the side of caution and opt for alternative brightening solutions.

3. Salicylic Acid (high concentration):

While salicylic acid in low concentrations (below 2%) is generally considered safe during pregnancy, higher concentrations used in certain acne treatments may pose risks. Consult your doctor before using products containing salicylic acid.

4. Benzoyl Peroxide:

This common acne-fighting ingredient can irritate the skin and potentially cause birth defects in high doses. Opt for gentler alternatives for managing acne during pregnancy.

5. Essential Oils:

While generally considered safe in diluted amounts, certain essential oils like clary sage, jasmine, and rosemary can stimulate uterine contractions or be harmful if ingested. Avoid using undiluted essential oils and consult your doctor before using any during pregnancy.

6. Aluminum Chloride:

This ingredient is commonly found in antiperspirants. While research on its safety during pregnancy is limited, some studies suggest potential risks. Opt for aluminum-free deodorants during this time.

7. Formaldehyde:

This preservative can be found in some skincare products and is a known irritant. Avoid products containing formaldehyde, especially those applied directly to the face.


  • Always consult your doctor before starting any new skincare regimen, especially during pregnancy.

  • Look for gentle, natural, and fragrance-free products whenever possible.

  • Opt for physical sunscreens over chemical ones, as they are less likely to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment and find pregnancy-safe alternatives that work for your skin.

By following these tips and consulting your doctor, you can maintain a healthy skincare routine and ensure the well-being of both yourself and your developing baby. Remember, a radiant pregnancy glow comes from within, so focus on feeling healthy and embrace the natural beauty of motherhood.

Here are a round up of some pregnancy-safe cleansers, moisturizers, tinted moisturizers and sunscreens.

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Don’t forget to checkout my roundup of pregnancy-safe makeup products!


Pregnancy-Safe Makeup


How I Prepared for Pregnancy